Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Plato's idea of "god/gods"

One thing I wanted to bring up in class that we didn't get around to talking about is what exactly is Plato's idea of who or what created the universe.  Does he have an idea of how many of these gods there are?  Because he switches back and forth from using the singular and the plural to refer to god(s).  To me it seemed that he was specifically refering to one god who created the universe, but later he talked about others that exist so to me it was unclear.  Also, the first dialogue we read showed Socrates questioning the existence of multiple gods, but this doesn't affirm a belief in only one god and this also does not necessarily mean that what Socrates is saying is the same as what Plato is saying.  Professor Horst explained that monotheistic religions who like Plato have attempted to baptize him as a monotheist, but that this is a highly debated issue and one without a really clear answer.  Does anyone have any thoughts?


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